5 minute read
Published 23 May
Last updated 27 May
Website conversion rates are often notoriously difficult to ascertain. Typical disputes amongst marketers include questions such as what counts as a conversion? Should we exclude blog traffic? Is Google Analytics accurate and counting every conversion? However, once these issues are resolved, you’ll have a site conversion rate % that you can work to improve over time. Let's run through a few ways to boost B2B conversions to help squeeze more traffic from your site.
Identify Where Your Visitors Are Opting Out
Average B2B site conversion rates are usually between 0.8 and 2%. This means the overwhelming majority of your site visitors are exiting your site. There are a number of tools you can use to see where users are leaving your website.
For example, you can use the Behavior flow tool in Google Analytics to track where users are dropping out. You can also use recording tools such as Hotjar to track the movement of traffic through the site and understand how users are interacting with your site.
The aim here is to identify what it is about your digital offer that prompts a prospective buyer to leave your site, abandon an inquiry, or stop engaging with your business.
Once you have a solid idea about where best to focus your CRO efforts, you can target your low-conversion pages or contact points head-on, leaving everything else ticking over nicely.
Users may be dropping out because the content hasn’t provided the information that they needed such as:
- Pricing for your services
- Expertise in your subject matter
- Case Studies or reviews
- Evidence of the ability to satisfy their requirements.
Revisit Your Calls to Action
You might think your CTAs are crystal clear, but if your buyers aren't utilising them, that may not be the case.
CTAs that are vague, too far down the page to jump out at a buyer, or hidden behind reams of promotional material won't gain the same traction as a CTA that is impossible to ignore.
Think about the user experience:
- Can you see the CTA straight away when you reach a landing page?
- Is your CTA large enough to be legible in mobile format?
- Will a buyer understand what you're asking them to do?
If you conclude that your CTAs are apparent, easy to read, and directional, it might be worth testing new wording and monitoring the response to see which versions generate the greatest improvements.
Optimise Email Signups to improve conversions from education pages
Email marketing is important in every field - but in few as much as in B2B.
Your email campaigns or newsletters must be informative, interesting and genuinely useful to incentivise a buyer to sign up.
One option to drive better email captures is to produce valuable downloads that offer guidance or insights that give a buyer a reason to subscribe to your communications.
The trick is less about what you're selling and more about the benefits you're offering your audience.
Buyers don't engage with a business because they've recognised a feature or service they need (although that can happen in a minority of cases).
Rather, they associate your brand with a problem you can solve or a business issue you can rectify.
For example, your service isn't 'fast'. It allows a buyer 'more time to focus on sales'.
Once conversion rate issues are resolved, you'll have a site conversion rate % that you can work to improve over time
Ensure Your Site is Fast and Intuitive
No matter what product or service you sell, it needs to be presented seamlessly, in a fluid transition from pitch to check out (or sign up, booking a call, etc.).
If your site is slow, bulky, awkward, or difficult to use, it won't add any value to the buyer's experience.
As a few guidelines:
- Landing pages should be possible to skim and understand the offer or the value without reading every sentence.
- Major selling points are the focus, not the finer technical details, because they won't be a primary factor in the decision-making process.
- Whichever areas you choose to highlight need to be the absolute best flagship products or services you have - if your conversions are taking a hit, you need to sweeten the deal.
A buyer who comes across faultless offers and an effortless enquiry process is far more likely to stay engaged. Ensure that your B2B website is technically up to speed and monitor to see if this affects conversion rates.
Create Tailored Landing Pages
Personalised content performs far better than generic text, so if you can upgrade to a dynamic site that automatically adjusts location info, pricing, business names or even the buyer's information, you should.
Additionally, you want a dedicated landing page that expands on every piece of quality content rather than cramming in mixed messages in one place.
Great landing page content isn't a guessing game - you can test absolutely everything you put into the digital ecosystem and analyse how one page of copy competes against the next.
Split testing using varying visuals, CTAs, offers, and language allows you to find out what works best across each section and compile a stunning landing page that collates all those top-performing components.
Maximise Social Proof
Social proof might be harder to translate into B2B sales, but assuming it doesn't matter as much could be doing your brand a big disservice!
There are numerous elements to social proof that slot perfectly into B2B business:
- FOMO - a buyer who sees their competitors using a new service may feel they are facing a disadvantage if they don't get on board.
- Testimonials - if you have a B2B client wavering, a few A-grade testimonials that prove the quality you offer can easily tip their decision.
- Expert approval - content, be that a video, text or repost from a respected individual in your field, can substantially influence your conversion rates.
If you aren't using social proof in your digital marketing efforts, it's time to recognise that buyer behaviours tie into a human appetite to follow the crowd and avoid missing out on a good thing.
Expert Advice on B2B Conversion Rate Strategies
We hope these tips have inspired you to understand some of the simplest ways to tackle poor conversion rates and get your B2B sales performance where you'd like it to be.
For further advice and structured strategies specific to your business goals, please contact the specialists at Tiga B2B marketing agency to schedule a convenient chat.